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When Cheap is Ohhhhh So Good! (And warm!)

By Jerry German
Published: 10/01/17 Topics: Comments: 1

For years I listened to friends and family talk about their trips to Mexico or some other sunny Caribbean destination. My wife and I were busy raising eleven children (yeah, you read that right) so money and time were scarce.

From the earliest days of my childhood, I have never been a winter person. Yeah, winter is beautiful and there are some fun things to do, but I hate cold, love hot. And I love to swim. And I like beaches.

And I prefer my wife in a bathing suit over a snowmobile suit. For twenty years of our married life, we lived in North Dakota, which has two seasons: winter and the 4th of July.

So at some point, having accrued enough cash to actually take a vacation, I began to try and persuade my dearest to take a little vacation with me to Mexico, but she would not hear of it. Too dangerous. Too many bad headlines.

Statistically, you're about a thousand times more likely to die the next time you get in your car and drive to the grocery store than you are to die on a vacation trip to Mexico, but there's still those pesky headlines.

Finally, while she was away babysitting grandkids, I had some time to do a little research on the web. I found this great deal at a resort that was just reopening after being closed for repair following whatever hurricane had just struck.

I called my sweetheart and said, "I never took you on a honeymoon. We've been married for thirty-six years. I think it's time. I'm not calling you to get permission, I'm calling you to let you know that I'm booking nine days at a resort on the Caribbean in Mexico."

There was silence for a moment, and then she said demurely, "Okay."

After one time in the water snorkeling, my better half was hooked, turning into a veritable Jacques Cousteau. I had a full-time job applying her sun screen. She fell in love with the sea, the climate, and the people of Mexico, as did I.

Three years later we bought a house in Mexico, in Joaquin Zetina Gasca, the "colonial" on the other side of the mangrove swamp from the beach town of Puerto Morelos.

In 2012, I retired and we began spending winters in Mexico. It was good. But I turned to her one day in November, 2015, and said, "Is this really what we signed up for? I mean, I want to be able to walk to the beach in a few minutes."

So we began a search, and now we find ourselves with suites to rent just a few minutes from the beach. It's a long way from North Dakota! We have to pinch ourselves every once in a while to make sure it's all real!

How's that for a rambling story? And what about my headline: When Cheap is Ohhhhh So Good? Well, this all started with trying to find a vacation we could actually afford, and as flights go,

Cancun is often the thriftiest international Caribbean destination available. Puerto Morelos is only fifteen minutes south of the Cancun airport, and the prices for everything here--rooms, food, entertainment, transportation, merchandise--are incredibly competitive.

Resorts are nice if you like that sort of Disney World vibe, but if you really want to go to Mexico, come see us in Puerto Morelos. Like my dear wife, you will be hooked.

Author: Jerry German, Caribe Suites
Blog #: 0558 – 10/01/17

Sponsor: Caribe Suites – Comfy crafty caribbean condos just off the beach at Puerto Morelos Mexico, South of Cancun, but with all the village peace and quiet. Book online today and we promise Mexican hospitality at its best. A member of Goldener Inns & Resorts. – CaribeSuites.com

Comments: 1

Ozair Khalid 10/24/17

Oh darn Jerry. Winter is setting in here and your blog made me want to fly south. And fast. - William

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